The Turbos Have Landed!

JATO Aviation invites you to take your flying to the next level with two of the most capable and technologically advanced aircrafts available for rental in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Our Turbo C182T offers 994 lbs of useful load and is perfect for long trips or higher elevations. This airplane features the G1000 avionics platform including Sythetic Vision, XM Weather, and Traffic Awareness. Plus it is coupled with the best GA autopilot available, the Garmin GFC 700.
We have 2 Turbo SR22TN at KSQL and 1 Turbo SR22T at KLVK. All feature the Garmin Perspective (G1000) system with Synthetic Vision, XM Weather, Charts and the GFC 700 autopilot. Two of these aircraft also have Flight Into Known Icing (FIKI) capability, making them ideal in the colder winter months. Other safety features include the "Level" feature on the autopilot, Traffic Awareness, a Ballistic Recovery Parachute and built-in oxygen for flights up to FL 250.
For more information on airplane rental or flight training please contact us at 650-654-5286 or email at